Training Registration System

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Event Description

Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE) (DPH-182)

The MRSE is an annual requirement of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) cooperative agreement and is designed to examine and evaluate the ability of HCCs and other stakeholders to support medical surge. Placing stress on the health system is important for testing current response systems, identifying gaps in preparedness, and informing improvement planning.

The MRSE is a functional exercise. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation (HSEEP) guidelines describe a functional exercise as “an operations-based exercise designed to test and evaluate capabilities and functions while in a realistic, real-time environment.” HCCs are welcome to use the MRSE as a full-scale event, provided all MRSE requirements are met and that the HCC can report the data required to calculate the MRSE performance measures.

Date(s)  Wed. Jun 12, 2024 9:00am-12:00pm 
Location TBD
Virtual GA 
Google Map
Handicap Accessibility No
WiFi Access  
Offered By HPP Region E 
Primary Instructor TBD, To Be Determined 
Course Length 4 Hours 
Course Hours
Award Credentials
Equivalent Prerequisites
Maximum Participants 40
# Open Seats 28
# on Wait List 0

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